
Brendan Flores is a Houston-based sculpture artist creating free-standing and wall hanging 3D works. An engineer by professional background, his work is infused with a desire for detail, precision, and constraint. In his practice, Brendan is focused on the process of creating obsessively finished representations of his experiences using cubes hand crafted from exotic and domestic hardwoods. He is inspired by everyday life, nature, and his wife.

Artist Statement

I appreciate straight lines, symmetry, and precision. However, I find my inspiration in the things I see and the situations I experience, where such qualities are generally sparse. Life, nature, and experiences are all messy concepts. My work is the way I assuage my inner desire to smooth the messy into the precise. Each cube is a box that stores my thoughts, emotions, ideas, and once that cube is placed into a work, that is where those feelings live. These emotions are not locked away in some part of me, rather, they are placed in the open to be considered by myself and my audience. Through this open dialogue, I am creating my own abstract language to represent subjective organic themes through rigid and exacting forms.